How to Accessorize the RIGHT way
I myself is obsessed with Jewelry. You may or you may not, but either way you WILL read the little tid-bit of an article from the wonderful people from Anyways, this is also posted in my "Fashion Book" on, so check out the rest of the articles in that topic too! :)
~How to Accessorize with Jewelry~
Find the precious metal that matches you. Brunettes, redheads and grays should use silver jewelry, while blonds look best in gold. Women/girls with black hair can use either. However, if you absolutely love gold, and you're a brunette, redhead, or gray, (or if you're a blonde and love silver), don't hold back! Also, if you are a Brunette, for example, but suit warm colors better, you will actually suit gold more.
Match jewelry to your clothing. Wear ruby earrings with a red top, or a sapphire-accented necklace with your favorite blue dress. Black clothing can be worn with any color of jewelry.
Match jewelry with other jewelry. A matching bracelet-and-earrings set or two similar necklaces looks great.
-Black makes bright colored stones pop!
-Wedding rings don’t have to match other metals in your jewelry.
-Wear necklaces 3”-4” below your neckline.
-Wear larger earrings for a "smaller" appearance.
-Use proper sizes of jewelry to match your body shape. Petite women will often be overwhelmed -by a piece of jewelry that looks delicate on larger women. *Wear pins high on your shoulder.
-Keep textures the same - antique with antique, shiny with shiny etc.
-Wearing 3 bracelets on one arm is an attractive option.
-Wear a bracelet with your watch.
-Long necklaces create vertical lines, thus making you appear taller and more slender.
Jewelry is the most cost-effective accessory you can own & changes the look of each outfit.
Wear jewelry to add color. For example if you're wearing an all black and white outift, a pink necklace, and/or bracelet, and/or watch, would look beautiful.WARNINGS:
Wearing very heavy earrings causes your ears lobes to drag and even tear! This gets worse with age and is not pretty. Torn earlobes generally cannot be fixed. Don't wear too much jewelry. Wearing too much jewelry will make seem "Flashy".

(ABOVE: Gold=Blonde)
xoxo Katy
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