Fashionable First Lady and Global Warming.
Hey! It's post number 31....... ok, I'll stop counting. deal?

It's a Fashonista thing.
Labels: Cartoons, Global Warming, Michelle Obama | at 4:37 PM
Hey! It's post number 31....... ok, I'll stop counting. deal?
| at 5:20 PM
Yay! This is officially my 30th post in this blog, and I intend to double, triple, or even quadruple that number!
Now that's out of the way, I am sincerely sorry that my posts have been pretty lousy, and that I keep on changing the template on you.... This should be one of the last times, because I am pretty happy with this one. :)
I was searching for a good fashion quote to suit this blog, and found some ones by Coco Chanel, that I would like to share with you.
“Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.”
“The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!”
"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
I just thought that those fashion quotes were kind of interesting, and "post worthy". hehe.
^^Some random fashion quizzes I found on Google. :)
(Where I post cute fashions that catch my eye)
Thanks a Million for Visiting my blog! Tell all your friends! :)
| at 7:58 PM
Okay, yes I will admit, that I haven't been blogging as much as I would have liked. However, I am here now- and ready to talk to you! :) Below are two paint documents about great buys on PJ's and Slippers, two of the main parts of a sleepover!
| at 9:02 PM
I am very sorry that I haven't been blogging much lately, but I have been pretty busy. Today as probably everyone knows is Friday-the-13th and Valentines-day-eve, "Fralintines-Eve" for short. hehe. I was randomly looking through Youtube videos today with my friend, and came across this really really cute one. This little boy sings this really really cute song that I can never seem to get out of my head. Plus, he does this insane thing with his eye brows that made me crack up.
To see it: Search "cuppy cuppy cake boy" on, or Join the forum and see! tehe.
[I still don't know how to post videos on here]
Whats Up with Katy
Yep, today was Valentines Day eve, and everyone at school wore red and pink, an handed out Valentines. :) I handed out Blowpops. I had some fun, mini-stories to share, about how I could never keep my mouth clean! READ!
My Blue Mouth
One of my friends was handing out these lollypops during English today. I happened to get a Blue-Rasberry one that was delish- Anyways, in English, we had a test (a hard grammar one-no kidding) and my teacher let us eat our lollies while taking it. The test wasn't very long, but I was-as always the last to finish, because I take my time and go through like, 10 eraser caps a day. :P Anyhow, when I finally finished the test, I got up to go put it in a certain bin, and had to face the class when submitting it. Everyone starting cracking up, and when I laugh-smiled (whenever someone else laughs, I do to.) They all started laughing HARDER. I was all, "Why are you laughing?" And my friend finally points out that my lips, tongue, and teeth were all completely blue. Blushing, Now looking like Cotton Candy, I sat down.
My Red Mouth
Yep, another one of those lollypop stories. I think I have eaten the most lollypops in my life today. hehe. Anyways, for $1 at lunch you could buy these "Chocolate Roses" for your friends. I personally think its a waste of money, but thats just me,...... Well, my friend bought me one (spelled my name wrong, but thats OK) and I was savoring it all the way home on the bus. (It was a white chocolate "rose" on a stick. Yummy:)) And so, I was savoring it so much, unnoticably, I had smeared the red food die all over my lips and everywhere around them on my face. It looked I had severly bad chapped lips. :P My friends and I cracked up all the way home. For the rest of the day however, I still had it on my mouth because I kept on forgetting to take it off of my mouth. When I finally opted to rinse my mouth off, it took me a good 6-7 minutes scrubbing it off. hehe.
Okay doke- Well, gotta run. I hope you have a delightful Valentines day. *muah* *muah*
| at 7:37 PM
Hullo Everyone! I've got but 2 minutes to spare, and have decided to fast-type on here! :) I am super-de-duper excited that I have FINALLY made it into the Top 2o on the Girlsense Contest! Although, i've always only wanted to JUST make it to the top 20, I would truly LOVE you to death if you'd use your vote on me! (or my bud cutepony8, n' Prinzess27) I wish one of my better boutiques would have been chosen out of all the btq contests, because mine now is a bit.... "Blagh!" normal.... But, Prinzess27 and Cutepony8 as USUAL have astounding boutiques, so shoot them a vote if you don't personally adore mine. *blush* Anyways, I really apreciate the honor, and am truly blessed. :)
xoxo Katy
| at 8:18 PM
'Death By' Books
I just [literally] finished "Death By Latte" the second book in Linda Gerber's awesome mysterious-mystery series (!!!) and I am bursting with spasms! Now I have to wait all the way till MARCH to get the third book, "Death By Denim". I'm not kidding when I tell you that you MUST read these books!!!!
Here's the order
1) Death By Bikini
2) Death By Latte
3) Death By Denim
BB wasn't the only one who had a little outing to tell about! xD I just spent the weekend at a beach house with my Girl Scout troup! We were working on earning our Silver Award and "IP's" whatever that is.... I just joined this year, when all of my friends are thinking of QUITTING! Dx It stinks..... Anyways... We examined sand, and filled out packets and stuff, which wasn't the most entertaining thing to do at the BEACH, even though it was winter. So, we headed to a little kiddie playground to play some pretty cool games, or game, called "Gravel". To play, one person is it. (most fun with more than 5 people. We had 7) Everyone else "hides" While "it" counts to 30 while closing their eyes. Then, STILL closing their eyes, "it" has to try to find people. "It" can periodically call "GRAVEL!" and whoever is on the "ground" of the playset, or jungle gym thingy, and/or the actual woodchips, is now it. You can touch the ground, BUT not when someone says gravel. You must keep moving to make the game fun and challenging. The "it" can also tag people. It may be a bit confusing but it's kind of difficult to explain... I was only It twice, because I am a pro at that game. hehe. Well, the time I was it, I gave myself three knee-bruises. :( There were these two tube things (child-sized) that overlapped making an x shape sort-of. One curved downwards, and one upwards. I kept on going in and out (with eyes closed) and bumping my darn head and knees every time I tried to get up, in, or out! :P Meanwhile, all of my friends were sitting on the top- *slaps forhead* -But stupid me didn't know, because I heard their voices... and.. oh well! I was trying to stand up once, and my friend whacks me in the forehead with her foot, and I fell back down. I will be sore tomorrow..... xD
Polyvore Probs
I am having problems with Polyvore, so no more sets for now sorry! Just wanted all of my PV friends to know I didn't die... :P
The contest will be concluded very soon, and I am pumped! I really hope someone I know wins! xD
xoxo Katy
| at 6:35 PM
| at 8:33 PM
I myself is obsessed with Jewelry. You may or you may not, but either way you WILL read the little tid-bit of an article from the wonderful people from Anyways, this is also posted in my "Fashion Book" on, so check out the rest of the articles in that topic too! :)
~How to Accessorize with Jewelry~
Find the precious metal that matches you. Brunettes, redheads and grays should use silver jewelry, while blonds look best in gold. Women/girls with black hair can use either. However, if you absolutely love gold, and you're a brunette, redhead, or gray, (or if you're a blonde and love silver), don't hold back! Also, if you are a Brunette, for example, but suit warm colors better, you will actually suit gold more.
Match jewelry to your clothing. Wear ruby earrings with a red top, or a sapphire-accented necklace with your favorite blue dress. Black clothing can be worn with any color of jewelry.
Match jewelry with other jewelry. A matching bracelet-and-earrings set or two similar necklaces looks great.
-Black makes bright colored stones pop!
-Wedding rings don’t have to match other metals in your jewelry.
-Wear necklaces 3”-4” below your neckline.
-Wear larger earrings for a "smaller" appearance.
-Use proper sizes of jewelry to match your body shape. Petite women will often be overwhelmed -by a piece of jewelry that looks delicate on larger women. *Wear pins high on your shoulder.
-Keep textures the same - antique with antique, shiny with shiny etc.
-Wearing 3 bracelets on one arm is an attractive option.
-Wear a bracelet with your watch.
-Long necklaces create vertical lines, thus making you appear taller and more slender.
Jewelry is the most cost-effective accessory you can own & changes the look of each outfit.
Wear jewelry to add color. For example if you're wearing an all black and white outift, a pink necklace, and/or bracelet, and/or watch, would look beautiful.WARNINGS:
Wearing very heavy earrings causes your ears lobes to drag and even tear! This gets worse with age and is not pretty. Torn earlobes generally cannot be fixed. Don't wear too much jewelry. Wearing too much jewelry will make seem "Flashy".
(ABOVE: Gold=Blonde)