Peacoats, Stock-Market, and more 'Fun'

Whats up with Katy

Hey Everyone! I know I have lacked fashion news lately, but I have had a very busy couple of weeks. Figuring you might be curious about whats' up with me, i am providing you with a bit of the details.


In Math we are continuing with the Stock market. How fun. If there is one thing I despise most about Math, or learning in general, it would be the Stock Market. I have paid a few minutes of attention to my poor teacher, and learned that our stocks and market isn't all that hot at the moment. I won't get into all that right now, because I know I will really bore you to death.

Language Arts

Finished "Charlotte Doyle" finally, but found it had a very poor ending. I HATED the decision she made, and thought it ruined the book. Now, I am recommending that you read the book, but skip the end. ;)


Yep, I said it! It may SNOW!!!!! *boo-ya!* It hasn't snowed here (big) for around 2 years, and last year I only used my new sled once. Once it actually snows, I vow to video tape my friends and I, and show you all! Anyways, I am putting a cold spoon under my pillow, wearing my 'jammies inside out and backwards, dancing in front of my refridgerator, and sprinkeling sugar on my windowsill. Now all I need to do is wait. *im B.A.D at that part*



OMG OMG! *hypervenalates* Did you see the Obama girls at the innauguration?!?! They were wearing the cutest custom-made peacoat-like jackets made by J.Crew. The other day in Math, we were talking about the stocks- big surprise- and we started to track the stocks of J.Crew (clothing company) online since the big day. The public began buying their stocks because of the two nicely dressed Obama Girls.

*runs off to get one of those peacoats!!!*

xoxo Katy

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royalty_claire said...

Hey girl! Awesome Blog! Can't wait for more!

Merrill said...

Katy, this is awesome!

Merrill said...

Katy, this is awesome. I luv it -Abbie

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