SuperBowl Weekend! :)

Who are you rooting for?

I have Chosen some of the best Polyvore sets relating to the two teams, the CARDINALS and the STEELERS. I personally am crushed about the Ravens' loss, so it doesn't really appeal to me who wins.... :P


xoxo Katy

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What a Day xD

Whats Up with Katy

This blog is turning out to be more and more about moi xD Hope you don't mind! Anyways, funny story, scroll down! :)

Yesterday, I was babysitting my cousins. The older of the two (only 4) and I were creating a story book out of construction paper and using markers, glitter, feathers, and such. The story was about a Princess and a Dragon becoming friends or something..... (xD) Anywho, I read her and her younger (2 yrs. old) sister the story, and the older one isn't satisfied. She has me add a part at the end of them dancing or something. I accidently mess up on the picture (darn markers) and she is FURIOUS! She screams and crys putting her head down on the table. Her younger sis starts screaming from the other room, and I rush over there (oh joy....) and find she needs a diaper change. I return to the Kitchen to throw the diaper in the trash, and find my story-book, that took me at least an hour to perfect, crumpled up in the trash can. I gentily take it out and question my cousin about it. I use the whole, "What would your Mommy and Daddy say if I told them.." line, and she screams at the top of her lungs, "Go Away! I don't want to play with you!" With that, she storms out of the Kitchen and starts fake-crying on the couch. Holy Cow. She ends up forgetting about it, but it still makes me frustrated just thinking about the whole situation! *grr*

xoxo Katy

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My Snow Wish!

Whats Up with Katy

Yes, by the sound of the title, you may or may not know, that Maryland got a good 2-3 inches of snow yesterday! I spent all day out sledding with friends, drinking hot cocoa, (with a Burnt tongue!) and playing this really fun game called "Role Call". (a version of hide and seek)

You haven't even heard the BEST part! Last night, we had a C.O.L.D ice-storm/sleet/snow storm and the snow is iced over, making sledding even more fun! :) Doing all of my snow-rituals really did pay off! *hehe*


My mom just got this email today, that gave showed her pics that were the winners of some National Geographic contest or something... I thought some of them were Very VERY cool, and decided to share them with you. :)

*sssscrrroooolllllll dowwwnnn*

Thanks for reading! :)

xoxo Katy

P.S. This was in an email I got, and these pictures do not belong to me. :)

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Peacoats, Stock-Market, and more 'Fun'

Whats up with Katy

Hey Everyone! I know I have lacked fashion news lately, but I have had a very busy couple of weeks. Figuring you might be curious about whats' up with me, i am providing you with a bit of the details.


In Math we are continuing with the Stock market. How fun. If there is one thing I despise most about Math, or learning in general, it would be the Stock Market. I have paid a few minutes of attention to my poor teacher, and learned that our stocks and market isn't all that hot at the moment. I won't get into all that right now, because I know I will really bore you to death.

Language Arts

Finished "Charlotte Doyle" finally, but found it had a very poor ending. I HATED the decision she made, and thought it ruined the book. Now, I am recommending that you read the book, but skip the end. ;)


Yep, I said it! It may SNOW!!!!! *boo-ya!* It hasn't snowed here (big) for around 2 years, and last year I only used my new sled once. Once it actually snows, I vow to video tape my friends and I, and show you all! Anyways, I am putting a cold spoon under my pillow, wearing my 'jammies inside out and backwards, dancing in front of my refridgerator, and sprinkeling sugar on my windowsill. Now all I need to do is wait. *im B.A.D at that part*



OMG OMG! *hypervenalates* Did you see the Obama girls at the innauguration?!?! They were wearing the cutest custom-made peacoat-like jackets made by J.Crew. The other day in Math, we were talking about the stocks- big surprise- and we started to track the stocks of J.Crew (clothing company) online since the big day. The public began buying their stocks because of the two nicely dressed Obama Girls.

*runs off to get one of those peacoats!!!*

xoxo Katy

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New, NEW[er] Logo-thingy!

Yep, once again, one of my fabulous forum friends designed us a wonderful "StyleMeBlog" Graphic! :) Our new theme, is PINK and GREEN, so Look out World Stylemeblog is better than ever! Lol. xD Anyways, a Special thanks to Chelsea, or "Swooziesgirl02" on


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New Features!!!

Yes, we have BRAND new features on StylemeBlog, thanks to the wonderful people at Widget box! We have a little itty-bitty chat box on the side for yall to chat in, and a music player. More will be coming ASAP, so stay posted! :)


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The Shoe Odds

I found some.....interesting shoes. Some of them are pretty cool, and clever ideas, but some are ones I would never be caught DEAD wearing...

Pretty odd huh? My faves are the Zipper shoes! (above)
xoxo Katy

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My Fashion Class [Re-opened!]

Yes, by the looks of the title, you can see two things.

  1. I have a FASHION class

  2. I have Reopened my FASHION class

If you are still reading, kudos to you! Anyways, I have a Fashion class on, which I would totally recommend you join ASAP! :) My fashion class is for anyone, even the busiest users! I try to limit your time on the computer, while teaching you the basics of fashion as I learn it. Actually, there is more of you being in controll with the countless 5-minute assignments that are low-key and E--A--S--Y! :)

Anyways, to find my class, scroll ALL the way down until you see "Forum Academy". I think my class is the second down. Click there, and go read through the latest posts for the info. Thankies!!! *xoxo*


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This is my first post- I think......- about That's a website that involves fashion, and happens to be my fave. On Girlsense, you design fashions to put in store windows, or Boutiques. You can sell these fashions at your boutique, or through auctions. Some users like to sell their fashions at designated times, or through "sales". Girlsense just unveiled the new icing to the cake, the NEW Fashion Design Studio, or "FDS". This is where you create fashions. Girlsense involves all the facts from the real world, Buying and Selling, making profits, and managing shoppers, or consumers. This thriving site has 14,256,672 members (about) and suits preteen and teen girls. I have only begun to describe this brilliant website, so what are you waiting for!?!? CLICK THAT LINK ALREADY! :)

Or....Scroll Down. :)

My boutique is: "Handbaghailey"

Thanks for reading, and I hope you visit my boutique!

xx. Check the sidebar for Girlsense Videos! .xx

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New Features

I am slowly tweaking this blog, so look out for new things coming your way! Scroll down on the right and check out my videos!

xoxo Katy

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Awesome deals, and Katy's happenings.....

Wow Deals

Yes, I know I am posting a lot of paint documents lately, because I am obsessed with creating them. This one is about awesome deals, only 3 at the moment, so please take a look! I was browsing through the pages earlier and found this cute red peacoat at Forever21. Usually when you see a beautiful peacoat (a pretty nice, fancy coat) you would expect it to burn a hole in your pocket, at somewhere in the triple didgets. This particular peacoat was marked down on clearance to around 20-24$ if I am correct. I then, decided to create a paint with some other awesome deals from that website as well. :)

Whats Up with Katy

I have decided to entertain you with a little itty-bitty review of my busy week, because I am terribly bored. If you want to read more, SCROLL DOWN NOW! If you don't, than go count ceiling tiles or something.......


On Monday, like all Mondays, it was crazy for me. Woke up on cue, picked out my outfit carefully in around 10 minutes, (I devote 10 minutes a day to fashion) run downstairs, eat something, straighten my hair, and such. It is FREEEEEZING here in MD, which is pretty unusual, because just a few weeks ago, it was like 60 degrees. Anyways, I get to school and live that down. Mondays are Boring, and nothing good ever happens.


I took 2 English tests today on a book I am reading for school, "The true Confessions of Charlotte Doyle", By Avi. I really recommend (I can't spell!) that you read this book. People always say that its boring, like my they just can't put it down! Later on I found that I got A+'s on both! :)


-Same old Boringness-


The School/Class spelling bee was today! As usual, we all stood around the room, and went down the line spelling words. [I have an advisory class full of people that think they're so funny] Lots of the kids who really can't spell anything, spelled their own name when it was their turn. *sigh*. Anyways, on round 4 I was one of 5 people left. It was 3 guys, my friend, and me. My teacher went down the line, with easy words, like "explosion", "levitation", and such. Then it came to me. My teacher says, "Katy, spell the word "pedestle". (I sware that is how to spell it) I shiver and pronounce it: "pedestal. P-E-D-I-S-" pause. "T-L-E Pedestal." I bet lots of adults spell pedestal wrong. *humph*


Thats TODAY! :) In Math, we were learning about the Stock Market. I practically fell asleep. I did some calculations as I almost died of boredom.


-number of ceiling tiles: 1,183

-number of kids that are asleep: 2

-number of times my teacher says "like" a minute: 6

-number of times my brain hurts: too many to count.

Obviously, I got bored.

Anyways, that was my week. I know it was kind of a snooze, but hey- I am B-O-R-E-D. Yea, I spelled that right!!! :)

xoxo Katy

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ECO-NOMICAL fashionista

Today's focus is ECO-FRIENDLY fashion products. Like always, I have created an overall paint for some of my favorites. First, however, I will explain to you one of our main providers of fashion handbags for the paint, is: I just now discovered it, and am saving up my pennies! They may be a tad expensive, but at the moment there is a 70% off sale. Scroll Down!

Eco-ist creates remarkable handbags from eco-friendly materials, such as water-bottle, luna bars, newspaper, magazines, and more! :)

Anyways, *drum roll pleeeeeaaaassse*

xoxo Katy

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Brilliant Bags

(Sorry for the really cheesey name!)

Today, I am presenting you with the topic of handbags, purses, wallets, clutches, (etc.) combined into one like term, Bags! Bags are accessories that you use to hold things in, although, there are differences between them, there are different models and kinds. I will now educate you with several of the different types:

Now, for some Brilliant buys!

Thanks for reading!

xoxo Katy

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Sweater Central


Today's topic or focus is "Sweaters". For a while no one would be seen in a sweater, expecially one like this:

I was browsing through websites again, and this time, I found GOOD examples of super cute sweaters. Most of them are from Delias. So.... ENJOY!!

Sweater 1 (from Left): A beautiful, button down, quarter sleeved zebra sweater that is pink and brown. The combinations of colors go great with the models skintone and hair. :)
Sweater 2 (from left): A long sleeved, bumble-bee sweater, matched with a brown belt, is displayed, along with a cute jean skirt! :)
Sweater 3 (from left): Black, white, and blue. A GREAT Combo! I love the zebra button down, unbuttoned, with a nice teal colored top underneath. This again, is an awesome combo. :)
Thanks for reading!
xoxo Katy

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What were they thinking?

What were they thinking?
Only at
(No using my words without my personal permission. The images displayed are NOT my own, and I am only the creator of the paint doc.)

Regularly, I browse through store websites, looking for sales, clearances, or good buys. A few days ago however, I found a tab at one of the websites I go to frequently, that showed me some of their selection that was "New" to their site. (I would know because I browse online there alot) There were outfits put together, which I combined into a paint document for you, that I found very peculiar. I then said to myself, "What were they thinking?". I hope that you feel the same as me. Now, my question is, Will this trend catch on? Possibly, we could be walking around in eye popping colors, and fish netting tights in the next few months. Do you see this in your future?

Outfit 1) This outfit reminds me of a classic old-school-girl outfit. Although modified with a brown crocadile clutch, open toe black-and-white slip-ons, and bright red, pattern embedded tights. This outfit makes the model look skinnier, and taller. I would never be seen in this. Would you?

Outfit 2) This next outfit slightly relates to some kind of retro, hippie era, and certainly doesn't appeal to my tastes. The model wears a two different shades of purple, one plum, and one royal, or dark. Her tanktop-like top is tucked into loose, ellastic fitting shorts that appear to be making the models slender figure a bit more chubby. She dresses that up with tall brown boots, and a lovely scarf, that I actually like. Thank goodness they didn't throw in tights!

Outfit 3) Model number three starts off the mess with a loose, baggy grey sweatshirt, and lime green spandex, accompanied by a thick blue headband and shades. She clings to a tote-like bag, which looks a bit too girly for this baggy tom-boy look. Now, dare I say it? What were they thinking!?

Thanks for reading my opinions. You probably have your own comments about this-so that is exactly the reason there is a comment spot. Everyone has their own opinions, and that is perfectly fine!

xoxo Katy

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New Logo!

Hey Girls!

Our new Blog is by my friend Liddia from the forum. Hope you LOVE it! :)

xoxo Katy

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Flats are Fab

Ballet Flats, shoes that fit it's name. They resemble the shoes that ballet dancers wear, flat and tight, usually accompanied by a pair of tights or a tutu. Now, they are setting their own trend on the streets. Scroll down to see the celeb, Rihanna show off her pair.

[above] Rihanna in midnight blue ballet flats.

I researched some websites, and found stylish cheap ballet flats at common department stores. Scroll down to see my findings.

Thanks for reading!
xoxo Katy

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Whats up with Katy (DECEMBER)

"Whats up with Katy" is a Blog post that I will make for each and every month, just to let you know what was up with me! This one is for the B-U-S-Y month of December.


The month of December is always pretty crazy for me. With the stress of Christmas and New years preperation, I tried my best to get online at least 2-3 times a week, or even just the weekends! It was a definitely a relief during the break. I will now show you a pic.

[above] This is me on Christmas day. My sis and I are wearing matching Pajama pants from Aeropostale, although hers are gigantic on her!

New Years Eve

On New Years Eve, I watched the ball drop on NBC like many people in in US do. My neighbor and I played Mario Kart (wii) till our arms fell off, and played a really fun game called "Qwirkle", which I think yall should totally get! [below]

$33.60 at

When the Ball dropped, we ran outside (It was freezing!) and banged on pots and pans. Then we sipped Sparkling Apple Cider and enjoyed the first few minutes of the new year.

Thanks for Reading about some of the memorable moments of December '08.

xoxo Katy

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Katy's picks and Polyvore

Katy's Picks

Thanks for coming back to read my 3rd blog post! I really appreciate it. Anyways "Katy's top picks" is where I show you my favorite fashion items at the moment. I am working on trying to put these items on the side of the blog, but that work is still in progress. Enjoy!


Polyvore, is an awesome website, where you can create "sets" of fashion related items, or create collages of MILLIONS and TRILLIONS of pictures. It is really cool!!! Don't believe me? See it for yourself at and then you will see! My username is KatyLOVESyou, so please come check out my latest and best sets. Or.... if you don't have the time, just scroll down!

Abstract Sailboat. by KatyLOVESyou

Be Different. Be Happy. :o) by KatyLOVESyou

Angie Mandy. :) by KatyLOVESyou

Lighten Up... by KatyLOVESyou

Rain. Let it Fall. by KatyLOVESyou

Lollipop Lollipop. by KatyLOVESyou

Dorky. Thats Me. by KatyLOVESu

xoxo Katy

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Plaid Perfection

Our first focus, is the pattern, Plaid. Today, I am going to show you two different celebs looks.

(above) Ashley Tisdale, wears a casual plaid look on the go. She sports a short-sleeved plaid top, washed denim mini, and a brown leather handbag. I also have shown how, and where you can find a look similar to hers.

Plaid top ($19.90 at HERITAGE981)

Washed Denim mini ($39.50 at American Eagle)

Brown Leather Handbag ($34.80 at Forever21)

(above) Miley Cyrus struts the stage in another casual plaid look, but dresses it up with a simple, white canvas hat, that hints a bit of gold. Again, I have listed below, how and where to find her style, for cheap.

Plaid top ($9.99 at Gap)

Cuffed shorts ($27.50 at Wetseal)

White Canvas hat ($9.50 at Wetseal)

xoxo Katy

(I created these paint documents with images that were from other websites. I did not take these pictures on my own, and do not own any of them)

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Hey! Over here!

Thanks for coming to my brand new 2009 blog, StyleMeBlog. Im very excited to create my own blog, exspecially one dealing with my favorite subject, FASHION! Yes, my blog will for now on be about fashion, style, or anything else in that category. Thanks for reading! Now you can read up about me:

About Katy

My name is Katy, and I happen to have my own webshow on which is called "Faboo". To find me, search soccerluver222. Please leave me a note or comment, and I will be sure to get back to you. Let me let you know that I am very forgetful, so if you keep telling me your idea, or greeting over and over again, I really wouldn't mind! Anyways, I am a lover of fashion, and my alltime favorite aspect, Jewelry! So, if you find any deals- be sure to let me know! My favorite websites are: and so PLEASE check them both out! Im not going to give out too much info about myself, so you'll just have to join those two webs. My username on Girlsense is "Handbaghailey", so please come check out my boutique. Ok, more about moi. My favorite T.V. show is "Jon and Kate plus 8", and I love Natasha Beddingfield, Demi Lovato, and Selena Gomez. My favorite activity is to play soccer and, you guessed it, Shopping!!! Thanks for reading, I just realized I wrote alot of words there. Anyways, I will be creating new posts on this blog every few days, every day, week, or whenever I have a minute. I assure you, that I am not making any profit out of this site, or anything, and am not trying to copy anyones' ideas or words. If you think I am, let me know- and I will be sure to take the post down immediately.

xoxo Katy

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