It's been a WHILE. :P
Yea, I haven't made a blog post in FOREVER!

It's a Fashonista thing.
| at 12:55 PM
Yea, I haven't made a blog post in FOREVER!
Labels: Frizzy, Hair, hair tips | at 9:16 PM
Knowing me, you'd know I just had to print screen it on here to show you all how proud of myself that I am for finding an answer so quickly!
A couple years ago I had my Mom buy me Herbal Essences, and I guess that's why I just noticed that I had "developed" this frizz problem. hmm. Anywho, I am one of those people who's hair can't really take it when you wash it every day. I do it every-other-day, but wash my face daily, remove make-up, etc. So I am a clean person I guess. And my friends know I also love to use Bath and Body Works perfumes. (:
I scribbled "Herbal Essences" down on the shopping list, and in a couple days, *poof* Goodbye frizzy hair! I wish I would've known this before all that hot florida sun. Oh well!
Before I close, just FYI I have a new youtube channel that I share with my friends. It's called KatyForever13. I think it may have some potential of having around 100+ views per video, right? More videos coming soon! x)
xoxo Katy
Labels: Project Girlsense | at 12:59 PM
| at 8:59 PM
"Forum Frenzy" is the feature here on SMB when I interview Members of Girls United Forum.
1) Your Favorite Forum, and Why.
art. Idk why i just think its a really kewl place! People of the forum make awesome stuff!2) Your Favorite Emoticon is...
3) What time do you usually log onto the forum, and how long do you stay?
i log in when ever i can and i usually stay for 30-60 minutes
4) How did you find out about the forum/ who told you?
i found out about the forum on when i was visiting speedys tique and saw this website in her motto. I joined and ive been hooked ever since!
5) Your Forum BFF(s) and why?
My forum BFF is grumpytoast (TOASTY!) cuz we get along really well and were well, very random!
6) Team Cupcake? Joe? Moose? Ange's Handwriting? and Why.
7)Person who left the forum that you miss the most is...
i havent seen anyone leave the forum.
More Comin' Soon! :)
| at 9:02 PM
Hello All. Are you all anticipating the sacred SEPTEMBER ISSUE of vogue? You bet I am. :) It's not just at school that the new term starts in September. In fashion, the glossies' September issues, released in early August, set the new season's agenda. They mark the turning point in the fashion year as autumn/winter clothes start to filter into the shops. (Such is the power of the September issue that an entire film is about to come out based around the making of the September 2007 American Vogue.) It's the most ad-heavy issue of the year as every design house competes to put their "hero items" in front of consumers - and the most prestigious cover a model can land. For its readers there is an almost illicit allure to be had from flicking through pages of cashmere, jewel colours, boots and coats when we are meant to be frolicking in summer dresses and bikinis but frankly, most of us have had enough of the sad sales rails by now. September issues act as part sartorial organiser, part wish list, allowing the fashion-minded to start planning their wardrobes for the months ahead. . . . . [from google search] {XOXO} KATY
| at 9:23 PM
| at 1:18 PM
| at 4:09 PM
Labels: Cute Fruit, Fashion of the week | at 12:58 PM
Labels: fashionista Flair, Neon, new features, Recessionista Flair | at 4:51 PM
| at 11:41 AM
Labels: Emma Watson, Fashionista of the Month | at 5:20 PM
Emma Watson was born in Paris, France to Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson, English lawyers who lived in France at the time; she has a younger brother named Alex. She lived in Paris until age five, then moved with her mother and brother to Oxford, England.
Watson attended The Dragon School, a private preparatory school, until June 2003, when she moved to Headington School, a private all-girls school in Oxford. In June 2006, Watson sat GCSE examinations in 10 subjects, achieving eight A* and two A grades. She is studying for her Advanced Subsidiary (AS) levels in Dance, Art and English literature.
Watson is an avid sports player and her musical interests (as of Spring 2005) include singing, hip hop, blues, and classic rock, including Eminem, Eric Clapton, U2 and Nelly Furtado.
She has said that she feels her celebrity status is partly responsible for her not having a boyfriend, stating:
"Guys are either intimidated by me, or they have defences up...."
Until Tomorrow,
Labels: Fashion of the week | at 4:51 PM
Labels: Who wore it better? | at 4:59 PM
Labels: Florida, Katy's Got the Travel Bug | at 2:04 PM
Due to Vacation and stuff, I have been M.I.A. lol.
But-- My blog is still up and running, and once I recover my Writers Block, there WILL be amazing things on the way.
As for Faboo, there are also new things coming up! My Florida trip has been compressed into a 7 minute video, shown below.
Faboo* is now reunited with the BOARD OF WONDERFULNESS, and will be once again, advertising! Plus, we will have a new feature, shown only on the latest episode of Faboo, which is still being created! :) Please enjoy the following video:
Labels: Project Girlsense | at 2:44 PM
Hello everyone! Thanks for the wonderful beach comments both here, and on the forum that I recieved!!! />
Labels: Katy's Got the Travel Bug | at 5:02 PM
Hey Everyone! x]
Today was BY FAR THE BEST of the 5 total days I have been here. It was so sunny, the water looked almost AQUA, and there were barely any clouds in the sky.
Minus the 15 minute lightning/thunder storm, the day was perrrfect! :)
Well, got to go prepare for the FOURTH!!! Hope everyone is as excited as I am! I hear Florida passes in flying colors with their fireworks.
Labels: Katy's Got the Travel Bug | at 8:32 PM
Hey All!
Thanks for the wonder-some comments. lol.
This week has been pretty rough on Florida.
But-- today was absolutely awesomee!!!!!
I woke up to not a cloud in the sky! The sky was blue, and there was no fog whatsoever blocking the view of the sun and palm trees. :D
I tanned and swam in the heat and sun almost all day, and enjoyed every second! This was what I had been waiting for! Right now, I am typing away to the view of the prettiest orangey-pink sunset I have ever seen, and everything feels perfect!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Katy
Labels: Katy's Got the Travel Bug | at 8:32 PM
Hey All!
Today was a so-so kind of day I guess.I woke up to beatiful clear skies, hopped out of bed and exclaimed, "I CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE SUN!!!" lol.
Well, not really. I kind of just told my grandparents that we MUST go to the beach.
We got everything all together, grabbed our beach umbrellas, towels, chairs, noodles, snorkels, etc., and ran down to the boardwalk.
To escape the skorching sun, we stopped into this hugeee souveneir [sp?] shop, and bought some t-shirts and HERMIT CRABS.Mine's name is Chloe, and my sis's is Hermoine.
Just as we got to the beach and snorkeled for about 30 mins, big black storm clouds came over head- and I think you know where it went from here.
Rain, Thunder, Lightning. Boom.
*sigh* At least we got some beach time in.
This week is not going in my favor.
Labels: Katy's Got the Travel Bug | at 8:41 PM
Even though the weather was terrible for the 3rd day in a row, I did go swimming!
My grandpa is big on snorkeling, and told us if we were interested, we could try them out. We decided on going to the pool first to learn the basics, which I picked up real fast.
I loved the feeling of breathing underwater! It was spectacular.
Afterwards, we were so thrilled with the snorkels, and the sky was clear enough, {well, as clear as it's been for the past 3 days..} so we took our snorkels and towels to the beach.
We snorkeled for 2 hours straight!!! Time flies when your collecting shells I guess.
The rest of the day went by as usual. I went shopping again, but minus my little sis.
GTG. Icecream awates. ;)
xoxo Katy
Labels: Katy's Got the Travel Bug | at 6:33 PM
Hey All!
Today's weather called for 80% chance of rain, so out plans for the beach somersalted into a trip to a HUGEE mall. We ate at the Rainforest Cafe, where I got a gigantic ceasar salad. {YUMMY}At the RFC there were "Lightning Shows" every 30 minutes, where lights flash and loud sounds come from speakers. It totally freaks out the younger kids, but pretty cool for the older ones. The mechanic animals move, by far the best are the elephants or the apes.I haven't stepped foot on the Florida beach sand yet, but I am hoping it clears up by tomorrow.
Labels: Katy's Got the Travel Bug | at 9:44 AM
It's raining cats and dogs out this morning, and it is so foggy, I can barely see out the condo's window.
But, the fun must go on. We plan to go to the local Mall, {Did I mention that it's hugggeeee?} to shop, and eat at the Rainforest Cafe.
But, for some strange reason, I am not in the mood to shop. I guess the weather is sending me depressing vibes.
Oh Well. :
I hope to end the day with another post, but I cannot make any promises.
Labels: Katy's Got the Travel Bug | at 9:12 PM
Hey All.
Our flight got in around 5:30-6:00ish, so right around Dinner time.
It's pretty gross here, clouds and pouring rain, forecasted for the next few days...
We are planning on going to Aquariums and Sea World though..
My Sis is physched about seeing some whale/dolphin thing, but I was looking forward to improving my farmers tan, but I guess Mother Nature disapproves.
Just Checking in to say Hello. Hope to see you all tomorrow night around this time.
Labels: Katy's Got the Travel Bug | at 9:38 AM
In a few short hours I will be driven down to the airport, and I cannot hold in my excited-ness. haha. My bags are all packed, {Mom forced me to use the ugly green and red floral Samsonite} and my sister and I are watching Elmo, because at 9:30 in the morning, that's the best thing that's on. Well, got to go now, last minute prep to do. ;)
Labels: Animal Print, Beach, Prints, Safari | at 11:08 AM
Hey everyone! Yes, your eyes aren't deceiving you, I do indeed have yet another logo/layout change. It makes the blog a lot more beachy, since, well I am going to the beach! :)
From the 29th thru the 7th I will be deep in the heart of Florida, and will document my entire stay by video camera, camera, and BLOG! Yep, using my grandparent's computer, I will be able to talk to you all about how my trip is going, what things I see, buy, or experience. I may or may not have the finger strength to post it here and the forum, but I will reconfigure that later. :)
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read, comment, and tell everyone you know about my blog.
I hope to use this summer to crank up the ammount of readers...
See AGF's new logo: created by me!!!
Now for your daily dose of fashion!
[information from:]
How to wear Animal prints
Do it casually. Don't try to be cute or clever by matching too many elements of an outfit; you'll look like you're trying too hard to make a fashion statement. Instead, aim for a balanced ensemble of complementary pieces.
Be a minimalist. No one wants to feel as if they have just gone on safari after spending time with you. Animal print looks best when present only in one pattern in no more than one or two elements of an outfit.
Just because something is available in animal print doesn't mean it should actually be worn. There is no shortage of clothing manufacturers out there committing fashion crimes with animal print. Translation: do not wear pants, jackets, coats or skirts in animal print patterns. Limit the print to smaller items or accessories - unless, that is, you are going for the Cruella DeVille look.
Print looks chic as a compliment to neutrals and solid color-schemes, especially basic black, chocolate brown, and beige. Smart use of animal prints: As a hand-bag, shoes, a scarf, a shirt (especially under a blazer), mittens or muffs.
Wild Print Tips
Keep everything else simple, elegant and sleek.
You are not a lion; don't wear a wild mane. If there ever was a time to have big hair, this is not it.
Animal print may bring out your wild side, but resist wearing animal print with a dangerously short skirt... you'll look like a cougar on the prowl.
Finally: If in doubt, do without!
Labels: Fashionista of the Month, Lady Gaga | at 2:07 PM
Getting prepared for a sleepover. ;)
Labels: Lovely Links, UK Vogue | at 6:02 PM
Whew. I bet you could tell from my lousy post below this that I was pretty busy today. x)
All my friends are at camp, so this week was supposed to be one of those "Gosh, why can't the week just end already." kind of weeks. {that sentence had the word, week three times! xP}
Well. Where do I start? Oh yes. This morning I had a tennis match at 9 which I just so happened to have won.
The day went uphill from there, with me being dragged around to erands and such, until right around 2ish. With me friend-less, I lounged around and watched "True Jackson VP" reruns until 4'oclock, when I babysat and was given this really cool bracelet which I described on the forum.
After that around 5, my parents and I looked frantically for this darn receipt for our new plasma, which needs to go back to BestBuy to be replaced.
But, enough about me. Let's see what's up in the fashion world.
Check out the awesome links below to see. :)
{Lovely} Links
UK Vogue's top Trend Picks:
UK Vogue's sightings of Jewelry on the catwalk:
UK Vogue's writer, Laura Bohinc: 14K Fraud:
Labels: Fashion of the week | at 1:40 PM
WHAT : Legacy One Shoulder Dress in Cream by Ark & Co.
WHERE : Lulu's {}
WHY : Perfect for partying in the Summer Heat
| at 6:58 PM
Yep. Another layout change. I guess I am crazy about it!
Every layout I have come across has {to me} had a flaw!
Including this one, so don't expect it to be here long!
I am realllyyy sorry that I cannot make up my mind, but I am known for it!
Katie Perry VS. Katy Perry
I couldn't resist searching "Fashion news" on google!
This story came up.
{BRISBANE, Australia (Billboard) – Singer Katy Perry's representatives are attempting to block an Australian fashion designer from trade-marking her clothing range with the brand name Katie Perry.
The designer, who started her high-end Katie Perry loungewear label two years ago, initiated a trademark application in September 2008 and recently opened her first outlet in Sydney. But she was hit with a cease-and-desist order from representatives of the EMI-signed artist, in an attempt to halt the "similar name" being used in connection with the clothing label.
The Australian businesswoman was born Katie Jane Perry, but sometimes goes by the name Katie Howell.
EMI said in a statement Thursday that a "routine notice letter was sent to Ms. Howell, as is customary in trademark practice, alerting her of Ms. Perry's intended application" for trademark protection down under.
The American pop singer, whose real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, has become a mainstream star in Australia, scoring a No. 1 hit last year with "I Kissed A Girl" and winning best newcomer at the MTV Australia Awards in March. Her follow-up "Hot N Cold" reached No. 4. She is scheduled to begin in Australian tour on Brisbane on August 12.}
I ROTFL'ed at this! haha.
{LONDON (Reuters Life!) – Former Wimbledon champion Maria Sharapova presented a prototype dress to reporters that is designed to light up when the wearer's mobile telephone rings.
British fashion student Georgie Davies dreamed up the knee-length short-sleeved white dress as part of a school project with mobile phone-maker Sony Ericsson to figure out ways of incorporating new technology into fashion.
Davies said the dress is designed to eventually be connected to the wearer's phone by Bluetooth wireless technology, so she can be alerted to a call even in noisiest of places.
"When you're in a pub or a bar, you can never, ever hear your phone," 20-year-old Davies told Reuters on Wednesday.
One shoulder of the dress down to the hip is embellished with translucent white scales that move and light up.
Sharapova showed off the dress to a gaggle of photographers and a crowd of passers-by from the window of a luxury department store in central London.}
Toooodles. x)
xoxo {Katy}
Labels: Katy's Collages | at 2:50 PM
The spacing is a bit odd because I scanned this in from my sketchbook.
{Magazine credits to : Teen Vogue June/July}
[xoxo] Katy
Labels: Fathers Day, polyvore | at 10:57 AM
Happy Father's Day everyone!
| at 7:50 PM
I came across this awesome design software, SEE VIDEO, And I would love for you guys to check it out and drool all over it with me!
I could use it on here, and like- interpret celebrity outfits and such.
Wouldn't that be a nice edition?
Okay, I'm rambling now.
Just watch the video!
I was so into it that I totally forgot the name of it, and not to mention the price.
I will look into that.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hilary Duff Comeback Stuff
I was leafing through an issue of People the other day that I had plucked off the check-out counter rack at Wal-Mart. Along with the glitzy celebs like Halle Berry, Lindsay Lohan, and Kate Moss, I saw one familiar, grinning face. Hilary Duff. Come to think of it, I had see A LOT of snapshots of that familiar face, plastered on countless pages of PEOPLE magazine. I mean of all magazines, Hilary Duff, as in "Lizzie McGuire", DISNEY, Metamorphosis, is featured? Apparently Hilary has signed on with DKNY jeans with her own sort of line, Hemme, or was it Femme? Oh yes. Femme. I used to be this HUGGGEEE Hilary fanatic. Flipped out when I got her first CD in my stocking, on Christmas, when I was like 10. Hilary slowly faded out of the picture once I moved on to Kelly Clarkson and Katy Perry, and all of the more 'older' (in a way) singers. I had totally forgotten her through all these years, until that one day at the check-out counter of Wal-mart.
So, here I am, Google-searching Hilary Duff, and coming up with TONS of things I had never thought of her doing. Good old Lizzie McGuire. The Disney Girl. She has been on the red carpet! The target of the style-searchers, and of course, People. How much better does that get?
Marley Shelton [38%] VS. Hilary Duff [62%]
Labels: new template | at 7:26 PM
I saw the movie, "UP" today.
Thought it was quite depressing...
New Updates. x]
I found a realllyyy pretty template for the blog at this lovely site: [is that right?]
I recommend that you look it up, because there isn't very much coding or html behind it all, merely just COPY and PASTE. :)
I was thinking of changing the template for holidays, events, or the months...
..Please let me know what you think!
I also added a "News Reel" feature, as well as the Blog Description up there^^.
I thought it was a nice touch.
My favorite blog-list is over on the side somewhere down there.
My Outfit
Fringed white Aeropostale shorts, A Teal thick Delia*s tank over a thick white Limited too tank, Assorted beads Garage sale necklace.
Nothing much really....... :P
Ooh, Chinese has arrived. *runs off with chopsticks*
Labels: Fashion Flops, Shopping | at 4:46 PM
Ooh, My 90th post!!!
Hey All,
I just got back from the Mall! I shopped till I dropped for at least 3 hours, and bought tons of pre-beach fashion goodness.
Katy's 'Bought' List:
- 2 Delia*s tank tops [Two for Twenty deal]
- 2 Pacsun Bikinis [Buy One get One FREE deal]
- 1 Ah-dorable Charlotte Russe Fashion top
- 1 Kay-uteee Marshall's sundress
- 1 pair of cute and confortable Dr. Sholl's flip-flops
- 1 pretty floral wallet from Claires. [Sale Rack]
*whew* Now I'm Beat. ;)
I am in one of those laughing moods, so I Google-searched "Celeb Fashion Flops" and came up with quite a few. I am posting 3, Just for laughs.
These are my opinions, so think what you like.
Who knows who these people are... [I don't, but maybe you do] But I bet their fashion sense has been better. I sure hope so.
Labels: Fashion Against Aids, H and M | at 10:33 AM
Fashion Against Aids
us, fashionistas can help. (:
Check out the video here:
I think it's pretty cool. :) I mean Katy Perry is for it, so why can't Katy the blogger?
Some of the world's Contemporary artists were invited to create their own FAA Tee's. 25% of the sales revenue will be donated to HIV/AIDS awareness
[pictures from Google Images]
Labels: Celeb looks, Who wore it better? | at 7:45 PM
[pictures: Google Images]
At the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade last November, Miranda Cosgrove and Miley Cyrus got us seeing double when they both appeared in the same stunning white Peacoats and matching white fingerless gloves. Who wore it better? Comment below or in the Chatbox [=>]
Zoe Saldana and Doutzen Kroes both sport Azzedine Alaia's gray full-skirt dress with Alaia's lace-up shoe boots recently at the Star Trek premiere [ZOE] and at The Cannes Film Festival [Azzedine] . But, who wore it better?
Comment with your answers below and in the Chat box to the right.
I've been boating all day, and swallowed too much River water. *blech* Tata for Now!
[xoxo] Katy
Labels: Fashion 101: A Crash Course in Clothing | at 1:57 PM
An AMAZING, MUST-HAVE Summer Reading book for the Fashionistas and Shopaholics everywhere!
FASHION 101- A Crash Course in Clothing
I Went to Borders Books a few days ago with a slip of paper I had copied info on a book I found while browsing on The name? Fashion 101: A Crash Course in Clothing.
The guy at the Help desk said they didn't have the book in stock, so he'd order it, and it would arrive in- dare I say it- 5-10 business days. I give him my $20, and sulk back to the Appearence section.
Here I was this morning, minding my own business when the UPS guy rings my bell, and there is my beautiful brown cardboard package!!! It didn't take 5-10 business days! *yipee* It took Only 2. ;) Me and my good luck.
You all are probably wondering what this book from heaven is about... And I am terrible with book reviews, so I turn to
Here is their Review:
If you are a fashion idiot, this is the book for you.
Fashion 101 is truly a crash course in clothing. Written for teenagers, it describes every conceivable clothing style, with tips on how to wear them and the history behind each item. For the most part, info is provided in an encyclopedic fashion, making it more of a reference than something you have to sit down and read in large gulps. Everything is divided into sections - jewelry, dresses, tops, shoes, etc.
If you are a little fashion-phobic, but want to up your style, this is a great, unintimidating way to get your feet wet. Everything is explained for the layman, from fabrics to necklines. The only downside is that there are no photographs - everything is illustrated with drawings. I imagine getting permission to reprint famous and not-so-famous fashions is a daunting task - both physically and financially. But this definitely has some useful info, including the tale behind the creation of Hermes’ infamous Birkin bag - something that I didn’t even know.
Seeeeee? Doesn't it sound simply amazing?
Other than the 'fashion-idiot' part. *sigh*
Heading to the beach w/ friends.
Katy [xoxo]